遁入米兰街头,徜徉在熙攘的街道与巴洛克建筑的完美杂糅间; 松弛 的午后,呼吸空气中浓烈浪漫的文艺氛围, 用思绪、音乐、文字细细 描摹秋日的惬意。 用「意趣」探寻未知,随心而行, 认真对待每一个 生活瞬间,就能偶遇倏忽而至的美好「意境」, 做一个从容、自洽、 有趣的生活理想家, 用向往和喜悦填充每分每秒。 2023秋冬系列中,源于自然本质的设计语言转换成利落的廓型, 透过 超凡珍贵的材质塑造个性⻛格, 可以不露锋芒,却也掷地有声;可以⻛度儒雅,抑或笃定坚毅...
GENTSPACE精心打点的⻛格, 是你还未开又便传达给他人的力量与态度。
Escape into the streets of Milan and wander through a perfect mix of bustling streets and baroque architecture; In a relaxing afternoon, draw on the romantic cozy atmosphere through music, art and words.
Elaborated Ordinary Days
Explore the world follow our minds. Treat every moment of life with sincerity, encounter the beautiful “magics” that comes out of nowhere. To be the “Lifestyle idealist” who lives with ease, confident and fun, and fills every hour with anticipation and joy.
In 2023FW collection, nature-inspired designs are transformed into sharp silhouettes, seemingly casual pleats and curves that hint at the wearer’s proper fashion sense. The overall color palette consists of neutral tones, conveying a relaxed and leisurely sense of tranquility. Carefully selected fabrics, indulgence at ease, relaxed and sophisticated, giving you the sensation of love at first touch.
In the moments when you pause and allow yourself to deviate from the relentless rush, “just wasting time”, you may serendipitously stumble upon unexpected splendors. You can’t resist the smile at ease. Life is easy when you take it easy.